nixos Share scripts that have dependencies with Nix Writing and sharing scripts is essential to productivity in development teams. But if you want the script to work everywhere, you can only depend on the tools that are everywhere. That usually means
scala A column-centric Spark-ML Pipeline DSL The Pipeline API from Spark-ML is quite useful, and we use it a lot at work, but I find it quite verbose at times. Here is what I'm talking about: val first_variable_
Declarative blog setup with docker-compose Docker is neat. I don't believe it's the ultimate solution for all our software packaging and delivery problems, but still, as a way to easily run something someone else has made, it's neat.
python Garçon, there's a catamorphism in my Python I've got a little project where I want to build a document from a template, and some data that are stored in a JSON (or YAML) file. This is pretty straighforward, but I've
python Through the lens of Haskell: exploring new ideas for library design At EuroPython 2014, there was a talk about "What Python can learn from Haskell", which was very interesting, and seems to have sparkled the PEP 484 (type annotations in python 3.
misc API wrappers: Danaïdes writing specifications API are awesome. They enable us to combine convenient applications with the expressive power of programming. They even create interactions between services not designed to work together. When you want to use an
nixos This last few weeks in NixOS Welcome to a new issue of This Week in NixOS. Nix is a purely functional package manager that aims at solving old problems with a new approach, and NixOS is the distribution based
nixos This couple of weeks in NixOS Welcome to a new issue of This Week in NixOS. Nix is a purely functional package manager that aims at solving old problems with a new approach, and NixOS is the distribution based
nixos This Week in NixOS, third issue Welcome to the third issue of This Week in NixOS. Nix is a purely functional package manager that aims at solving old problems with a new approach, and NixOS is the distribution based
nixos This Week in NixOS, second issue Welcome to the second issue of This Week in NixOS. Nix is a purely functional package manager that aims at solving old problems with a new approach, and NixOS is the distribution based
nixos This Week in NixOS, first issue Welcome to the first issue of This Week in NixOS. Nix is a purely functional package manager that aims at solving old problems with a new approach, and NixOS is the distribution based
python Fast scraping in python with asyncio Web scraping is one of those subjects that often appears in python discussions. There are many ways to do this, and there doesn't seem to be one best way. There are fully fledged
python Pyramid advanced configuration tactics for nice apps and libs Pyramid is a great framework, and one of the things that makes it great is its configuration system, which provide both a great way to organize an application, and an elegant system to
python Quick authentication on pyramid with persona A few days ago, the first beta of persona was released, and I thought it would be nice to try it as a authentication mechanism in my next project. For the pyramid framework,
misc Good evening ladies and gentlemen, parlez vous français ? Hi, I'm Georges Dubus, I'm a french PhD student doing some hacking on his free time, and here is my tentative of a blog. I have wanted to start a blog for a